Stay up to date with the latest news from The Christopher Family Foundation

Announcing our 2020 Education Grantees
Jul 2, 2020

Announcing our 2020 Education Grantees

The education landscape has been forever altered by the past six months. As events have unfolded, we’ve witnessed a remarkable ability among our education partners to adapt and morph their programming to serve the immediate needs of ...

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Announcing our 2020 Employment and Entrepreneurship Grantees
Jul 2, 2020

Announcing our 2020 Employment and Entrepreneurship Grantees

In a year with record unemployment and a shaky labor market, organizations focused on training and connecting people with high quality job opportunities are more vital than ever. The Christopher Family Foundation is honored to award grants ...

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Resilience and Innovation During COVID-19: How Nonprofits are Helping Us Weather the Storm—Again
Illustration by Tancha.
Jun 1, 2020

Resilience and Innovation During COVID-19: How Nonprofits are Helping Us Weather the Storm—Again

Unsurprisingly, the last two months at the Christopher Family Foundation have involved a lot of Zoom calls. Amidst the inevitable cat cameos and sounds of home-schooling run amok, our grantees have awed us with their fortitude, enduring ...

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